Automotive Diesel Specialist is your one-stop diesel expert in the Treasure Valley. We are preferred and certified Bullet Proof installers. We service most diesel engines and can help if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms with your diesel engine:
- Running poorly when the engine is cold
- Hard starts and extended cranking
- Poor performance
- DEF fluid in your fuel tank
- Decreased fuel economy
- Off less than 48 volts
- White smoke is coming from the exhaust pipe
- Unexplained coolant loss
- EGR issues
- Engine oil temperatures 15°F hotter than coolant temperatures
- Engine oil present within the engine cooling system
- Leaking coolant from degas bottle
- Overheating
- Overheating while driving but not when idling at low RPM
- Alignments available
- Contact us today with any questions or concerns regarding your diesel.